Last Wednesday, the school called to come pick up my 11yr old son because he was throwing up. I took him to the doctor, the flu/strep test were both negative and said it was viral and to just take over the counter meds. Monday, the school called again because he had a bad headache, pain in his chest and just tired (not his normal self), took him back to doctor and they said it was heartburn (was tested again for strep/flu and it was negative). Tuesday he started running a fever, still had the headache -- took him to a different doctor and they were concerned so they sent us to do chest xray and bloodwork - he doesn t have pnuemonia or mono - but in the prelim bloodwork it showed his white cell blood count was low. They want us to come back in a week to do more blood work. I m just concerned and think they should do more, especially with his headaches/chest pain. He s not his normal self, not eating much and lost a little bit of weight. He s normally an active child, he plays 3 sports in middle school. I just don t know to do.